Our Support for Transgender Students and their Families

March 29, 2023 / 5 mins read

Dear Griffin School Community,

As you know, the Texas legislature is currently in session, and there are a number of bills taking shape that would deeply affect transgender, gender non-binary, and gender non-conforming kids, their families, and the people who support them. I have been thinking a lot about what our role is as a school in supporting our students and in amplifying the voices and experiences of the people in our community who are at the heart of these issues. I want to note up front that although these are clearly political issues, our role here is not partisan - it is to focus on human rights, civil rights, and dignity for our students and families. With that in mind, I will assert that Griffin School is 100% in support of transgender people - our students, our parents, and people in the broader community.

We are incredibly fortunate to have a group of student leaders in QuILTBAG who are active and engaged in developing a school culture that supports the rights and dignity of LGBTQIA+ people. We also have some remarkable parents who are fierce advocates for trans kids and families and who are organizing with organizations and allies to resist the worst possible outcomes of our state's current political processes. As a school, we will do all we can to amplify and support our QuILTBAG student leaders and the activists in our parent community around these efforts.

For now, I want to share two things with the community that were shared with me about the bills that are in conference that would affect transgender young people and their families. Teryl Booth (Mom of Weston, '24) created a brief overview the various bills taking shape that are intended to make gender-affirming health care illegal, target gender nonconforming athletes, and restrict the curriculum in schools around issues of gender identity and sexual orientation. It is a super helpful guide to where things are currently. It also includes a link to identify your elected representatives so you can call or email them with a position on these bills. See attached.

I had a call with another Griffin parent today who has been down at the State Capitol every day to lobby legislators and speak out against the bills on the docket. She is encouraging Griffin community members to call or email your legislators to encourage them to vote against one of the worst bills being pushed by the legislative leadership: House Bill 1686. Teryl's summary of the bill:

This bill targets minors and bans hormone therapies, puberty blockers, and gender-affirming surgeries for those under 18 years old. If this bill passes, it would immediately take effect which would have dire consequences for those currently receiving treatment. This bill also prohibits the use of Medicaid funds for gender affirming care for minors. Additionally, physicians who are found to provide this care for minors will lose their license to practice medicine.

The Austin Chronicle posted a great overview of the bill here: www.austinchronicle.com/daily/news/2023-03-28/bill-of-the-week-texas-gop-targets-transgender-youth/

From what the parent gleaned from the LGBTQIA+ activists at the Capitol yesterday, the best hope for a current supporter of the bill to flip is Representative Price from Amarillo. She encourages people to contact his office directly to express a position against HB 1686. His contact information is here: house.texas.gov/members/member-page/?district=87

Thanks for following these important issues and for making your voice heard on them in this critical time.

The last thing I want to say on these issues for now is that we know and understand that many students and families may be feeling a high level of stress and anxiety about how the laws of this state could affect them and the people in their community. We know that these issues can feel overwhelming and upsetting. If that is you, I would strongly encourage you to reach out to the wonderful, supportive, caring adults at the school who can help. That includes Louise Hanks (louise@griffinschool.org), our Director of SEL and Dee Chapman (dee@griffinschool.org), our faculty sponsor of QuILTBAG. It includes me (adam@griffinschool.org). And it includes every administrator, teacher, and staff member at the school - we have your back, and we are here for you.

Adam Wilson
Head of School

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