Sad News about our Beloved Red Oak Tree

October 8, 2023 / 5 mins read

Dear Griffin School Community,

I am so sorry to share the sad news that our beloved Red Oak Tree that provides shelter to our Front Lawn will be coming down tomorrow. A few weeks ago, it lost a significant branch, and we noticed a crack had formed in its trunk area. We attempted to cable it together to sustain its life, but sadly even that was not enough - the crack has expanded and traveled across the center part of its trunk. At this point, based on the assessment from our arborist, we are concerned that it could come apart and be a danger to people and to our Main Building.

Given the situation, we have arranged to have the tree taken down tomorrow, Monday, October 9. The crew will be setting up first thing in the morning and will start the take-down process around 9am or so. They will be done by around 4pm at the end of our school day. There will be a crane and an industrial saw setup on the Front Lawn tomorrow, and we will have the whole area roped off. There will not be access to the main entrance, the deck, the onion, or the bicycle parking area. Please plan your morning logistics so you stay clear of that area.

This tree visually defines the front of our school campus, and it means a lot to our community. We have had many community events - including a bunch of commencement ceremonies, theatre performances, proms, etc - under the canopy of its branches. It has provided shade and shelter to us on many significant moments of our lives since our school moved onto this campus in 2011. We know a lot about the many ways that trees benefit the world; there are also substantial but ineffable ways that trees have a positive impact upon us. I am so deeply sorry this tree is at the end of its long life.

We are doing what we can to save parts of the tree trunk and branches that can be milled and used for various purposes. We are working with our arborist and with Harvest Lumber Company in that effort. There may be small cross sections of branches that will be made available for people who want a memento of this tree to remember some of the things that have happened under its canopy. Eventually, there may be larger pieces of lumber that will be made available for special wood projects. Stay tuned on those efforts. Worth noting that the deck will remain, and we are looking at what can be done with the tree stump.

We have started to discuss placement of new trees on the Front Lawn. It's too soon for us to roll out those plans, but know that we will be looking for a way to plant the trees that will provide shade and comfort to future generations of Griffin School students.

Again, I am so sorry to share this news. I hope you will use this moment to spend some time appreciating a tree that is meaningful to you.


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